Published by Medical Students' Association of Rwanda on

On the 17th April, The Medical Students Association of Rwanda (MEDSAR) in its Partnership with IMCC Rwanda in preparatory study of the Upcoming project Youth Education Activities on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (YEASRH) had a successful workshop on Women Empowerment in Leadership which involved 50+ female Rwandan medical students. A total of 3 parallel session to build leadership capacity of young medical students were successfully carried out.  

The first session was on leadership styles, coaching, mentoring and motivation. It was designed to address young women in different levels, mostly preclinical years, who are aspiring for greatness in their future career as well as serving the community through MEDSAR. 

First trainer: NIYITANGA J. Eric MD in training, Author, typist, President of Ijambo TM, Co-founder &CEO of Genius Africa

Addressing fellow women medical students: Miss KAMIKAZI RACHEL

The second session was organizational management, The session was designed to introduce to MEDSAR women details of a good organization and different skills that it requires to have a successful association or community through good governance, communication, and conflict management. 

Second trainer: Jerome MFITUMUKIZA Former President of MEDSAR-Rwanda | Intern Medical Student at University of Rwanda

 The last session was Communication and Decision Making delivered by Phn Alliance Stella, It was designed to improve communication skills mostly addressing technology use in official communication, and concept of decision making in leadership.

Pharmacist. Alliance Stella | Youth Focal Point at FP2030- Rwanda team

Serge NDAGIJIMANA and Eric NIYONGIRA, Both outgoing and Ingoing MEDSAR Presidents at the workshops.

Concluding and closing remarks Mr. Serge NDAGIJIMANA: MEDSAR Rwanda believes that Women possess a number of gifts ranging from simple intuition to complex logic, and a key to success by positive influence. Therefore, it is always so intuitive of any association, organization or country to invest much in women empowerment.


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