Publishing at Medsar
Dear MEDSAR Members
Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda (MEDSAR) is an independent, nongovernmental and non-political organization of medical students of Rwanda. It was founded in 1997 and is running for and by medical students on a non-for-profit basis. It is officially recognized by the University of Rwanda as a non-governmental students’ organization (NGO). MEDSAR is recognized by the School of Medicine and Pharmacy and is supported by dean’s office.
MEDSAR has the spirit to publish its work via different legal platforms to reach far and have a Great impact. MEDSAR 20 over years has been striving for young people, adults quality Health education through Publishing its work of Mentor-ship ,education, health activities and research as well but with the Help of its members and other Writers
This is why we encourage Medical student of Rwanda to take a part in publishing educative articles regarding the MEDSAR internal regulation. This is why as MEDSAR Executive Board and VPPCI in particular are pleased to announce small guidelines to our publishment. Remember, Sometimes the article might not be good enough and it is always hard to start if you are a beginner, but this should not discourage you, As we promise to give feedback to whatever looks unfamiliar and help out anytime.
First over all your article shall be either in ENGLISH OR FRENCH to be able to be published on MEDSAR website
- We strongly encourage all writers and medical student of Rwanda at large to make a daily visit to the website to know more about what it does. And become familiar to the recent article format being published
- Please before you submit your article proofread it to prevent some grammatical errors as seems to increase workload to the Publishing committee.
- Your Scientific, Human rights, Public Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Medical Education, Research and Exchange or any medicine related articles will be revised by Both MEDSAR EB and Publishing committee before publishing to website.
- If you dedicate your article to MEDSAR have in mind that it is not allowed to publish again that article anywhere if you want ,we recommend to reference a link back to MEDSAR website
- It is allowed and even more advised to share article link via other social platforms after being published on MEDSAR website.
- Your title should tell exactly what the entire concert is all about so that to easier the site users and reader to bring more attention.
- Include of photos is highly appreciated (photos should be inside in the document and sent separately as attachments )
- If the article not directly from MEDSAR activities, projects or a personal inspirational writing then it is important to site your resources.
- When writing provide key word and make sure that you give something that make the reader shows his excitement like for example anything that makes him/her think to revisit the medical students website, you might want to visit other articles and get a architect idea.
- Submitting: your article you agree to terms and conditions and any other informed edits might been necessary for your work by the Publishing Team to meet our standard.
- Be aware of Article promotion and publication will be done to improve the articles much more visibility.
- Lastly the Publishing your work on the website might take a time (days) of review and acknowledging the work of MEDSAR publishing Team.
© Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda, All rights reserved. The Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda welcomes requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full.
Proclaimer The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.
Notice All reasonable precautions have been taken by the Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda to verify the information contained in this publication. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda be liable for damages arising from its use. The views expressed by authors, editors, or expert groups do not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda
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