About us


MEDSAR (MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION OF RWANDA) is a non-profit, independent, and non-governmental organization of medical students of Rwanda founded in 1997. 

MEDSAR Rwanda is an active member of International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA) the largest organization of medical students in the world.

MEDSAR has a democratic, representative structure with a board and a General Assembly as the main decision-making organ. The MEDSAR members elect a new board each year and the board consists of a president, a vice president of internal affairs, a vice president of external affairs, a vice president of communication & publication, Vice president of finance and a general secretary. In that way the democratic structure of IFMSA has been adopted.

Medical education in Rwanda comprises 6 years. Whereby in those 6 years, the first 2 years are preclinical years that is purely theoretical and the remaining 4 years are clinical where the studies are mainly focused on practical skills in the clinics/ Hospital. MEDSAR has been a channel to involve medical students from all level in aspects of health and impacting the community with developing spirit of research and health activism. 

They have got more than 400 committed members, their high degree of volunteer and commitment has been the cornerstone of MEDSAR. Our members are organized within various projects that are connected to at least one of the six standing committees they are trained to carry out teaching sessions and advocacy work about health. 

MEDSAR is SCOPE Active and you are Welcome to Rwanda, the land of a thousand hills.